issue 1

There is a lot of confusion and misinformation surrounding Issue 1 that will be voted on this November 7, 2023. People have questions about the impact Issue 1 will have on miscarriage care, parental rights, and late-term abortions. 

Since this is a moral issue, the Archdiocese of Cincinnati and it's Churches and Schools are making sure information is shared with ALL families on the impact of this issue.  The Communication office of the Archdiocese has provided the following videos and articles explaining the languages and proposed changes contained within Issue 1. These articles are designed to give the facts of the issue to help you make an informed decision in the voting booth.

Answering Your Issue 1 Questions

Miscarriage Will Remain Legal in Ohio, Even if Issue 1 Fails.

Are Late-Term Abortions Safe for Women?

What Does Issue 1 Actually Say? An Ohio Lawyer Takes a Look.

What Does Separation of Church and State Mean?