Jr High ladies interested in Volleyball can attend the Jr High Volleyball Open Gym beginning on Monday, June 12th. Check out the attached flier for all of the dates and times. 💙💛
over 1 year ago, PIQUA CATHOLIC SCHOOL
Check it out, we have a Planet Aid box in the North St parking lot! Planet Aid works with schools and community organizations to raise environmental awareness and inspire youth to help make a difference in the world. The bin accepts donations of clothing, shoes, household items, toys, books, linens and decor So get ready to do some spring cleaning and drop off your donations to the Planet Aid bin today, and in doing so you not only help reduce waste but also help the students recycle to help our environment. Thank you!
over 1 year ago, PIQUA CATHOLIC SCHOOL
It's not to late to register for summer camp, click the link to register! https://www.lehmancatholic.com/blog/athletic-summer-camps-2023 Go Cavs!💛💙
over 1 year ago, PIQUA CATHOLIC SCHOOL
Good afternoon! We, Piqua City Transportation, require for all parents/guardians to fill out the attached bus transportation form if you wish for your student to have transportation to and/or from school for the upcoming school year. You will find the link for the Google Transportation Plan Form attached. Please click on the link and submit your form(s) by August 1, 2023 to ensure that your student will have transportation for the start of the school year. If you have any questions, feel free to contact us. Thank you, https://forms.gle/uwppkYXcTNqeLzTA6
over 1 year ago, PIQUA CATHOLIC SCHOOL
There will be a School Board meeting tonight in the Parish meeting room at our North Street campus beginning at 7:00pm. .
over 1 year ago, PIQUA CATHOLIC SCHOOL
Lehman Jr. High Football sign-ups are live for 7th and 8th graders in the 2023 season. If interested, please fill out the sign-up form at https://forms.gle/DvJQz2YYetXc4tR17. If you are already set up in the Lehman Jr High Football TeamSnap, then you are good to go. If not, weightlifting and agility training has already begun so don't delay! Let's go Cavs!”
over 1 year ago, PIQUA CATHOLIC SCHOOL
Early Bird rate for the Boys Summer Basketball camp has been extended to June 5th but don't delay as the price goes up after Tuesday, June 5th. All boys in grades 2nd-8th grades from all schools are welcome to attend this years 2023 Boys Summer Basketball Camp! Please see the attached flier for more information. Go Cavs!💛💙
over 1 year ago, PIQUA CATHOLIC SCHOOL
Jr High Volleyball sign ups for girls in 7th and 8th grade next year. If interested please email Julie Cotterman at Juliecotterman@hotmail.com. 937-573-6257 Lindsay Wyan at lwyan@ohiohipoint. 937-726-9540 Open gyms start this summer so don't delay! Let's go Cavs!💙💛
over 1 year ago, PIQUA CATHOLIC SCHOOL
Who wants to be in a parade? If you and your child would like to help pass out flags for the Kathy Henne ReMax float, they need volunteers! If you are able to help, be at the corner of Park and Covington Ave at 8:15am on Monday, May 29th. Thank you
over 1 year ago, PIQUA CATHOLIC SCHOOL
Mark your calendars now for the 4th Annual Hannah Rose O'Leary 5K Memorial Race on July 3rd beginning at 6:30pm at Fountain Park. To sign up or receive more information visit the Facebook page at Hannah Rose O'Leary 5K Memorial Race. Let's get a great Piqua Catholic showing for special race that is near and dear to our hearts. Sign up today! 💜
over 1 year ago, PIQUA CATHOLIC SCHOOL
Vacation Bible School is blasting off this July 17-21st and will be filling fast, so check out the parish website for information and registration. It's gonna be out of this world!
over 1 year ago, PIQUA CATHOLIC SCHOOL
Our Kindergartners will be walking over to North St on Friday because Kona Ice will be in the parking lot to help us celebrate the last day of school! If you would like your child to have a special treat you may send money in with them or scan the QR code to pay online. Let's celebrate summer break with a special treat!
over 1 year ago, PIQUA CATHOLIC SCHOOL
There will be a Jr High Cross Country meeting tomorrow, May 24th beginning at 6pm in the Media Center at Lehman. For questions please contact Nick Wolters at n.wolters@lehmancatholic.com Go Cavs!💙💛
over 1 year ago, PIQUA CATHOLIC SCHOOL
Who wants to be in a parade? If you and your child would like to help pass out flags for the Kathy Henne ReMax float, they need volunteers! If you are able to help, be at the corner of Park and Covington Ave at 8:15am on Monday, May 29th. Thank you
over 1 year ago, PIQUA CATHOLIC SCHOOL
I apologize for the late message. Students may be out of uniform for 36 Skate club tomorrow; please ensure it's appropriate. Thank you!
over 1 year ago, Brad Zimmerman
Calling all runners! The Piqua Optimist Club Bob Mikolajewski 5K is scheduled for July 15th at 8:30am. Pre-Register by July 5th to FREE T-shirt! Sign up today for this family friendly race!
over 1 year ago, PIQUA CATHOLIC SCHOOL
Last call on the Lost and Found box! Check out the pictures and if your child is missing something that you see here, call the office and we will send it home with them. If you would like to come and look through the pile, you can come in any time this week during school hours. What isn't claimed by the end of the school day Friday will be donated to the Used Uniform sale. Thank you!
over 1 year ago, PIQUA CATHOLIC SCHOOL
Last day!! Piqua Catholic and The Center for Early Learning are both up for the Readers Choice Award but we need your help! Click the link below to cast your vote for Piqua Catholic School! https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/5DYWR88
over 1 year ago, PIQUA CATHOLIC SCHOOL
Our end of the year field trip to Piqua 36 Skate Club will be Tuesday, May 23rd. Students will need $4.00 for skate rental, if they want a walker to hold onto then the additional rental cost is $3.00. Students may also bring in money for the concession stand if they want as there are games, snacks and prizes they can purchase. It's going to be an end of the year celebration!!
over 1 year ago, PIQUA CATHOLIC SCHOOL
Kona Ice will be in the parking lot to help us celebrate the last day of school! If you would like your child to have a special treat you may send money in with them or scan the QR code to pay online. Let's celebrate summer break with a special treat!
over 1 year ago, PIQUA CATHOLIC SCHOOL